Since it’s inception in 1983, AXENEO7 has been commited to promoting research and production in visual arts. As an artist-run-center, it is a place of gathering and experimentation and is dedicated to improving the production and presentation of contemporary visual art.

AXENEO7 has three exhibition rooms, a residency and a workshop. The programming is established  by art professionals, who conceive of the exhibition projects and select the exhibiting artists.
The programming also includes artist talks, seminars and the production of publications.

AXENEO7 choses to be a bridge between different generations of artists, mingling established practices with newer ones. The community surrounding the center is mostly composed of visual artists and new media artists, as well as art historians, writer and teachers.

AXENEO7 prides itself on welcoming each of our artists as special guests by taking care of promotional and installation costs as well as by providing technical assistance. We have always commited to pay of artist fees and royalties based on CARFAC/RAAV guidelines.  
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Saturday, April 27, 2013 - 12:00

Panel discussion organized by HB and Foire Papier13 With Ève De Garie-Lamanque, Martin Lord, François Morelli, and Jason St-Laurent, as moderator.   Between simple and sophisticated technics, between the...
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