Nightmare Induction  Noxious Sector  
  • Noxious sector
     Noxious sector
18 May 2013

“Nightmare Inductions” uses self-hypnosis techniques to lead audience members on a guided meditation in which their teeth fall out. Trance induction sound techniques and ghost hunting equipment will provide a soundtrack for the experience alongside the hypnosis script. The performance is imagined as an immersive, cognitive experience and an exploration of the visual power of the imaginary. “Nightmare Inductions” is the collective’s most recent work in their ongoing exploration of paranormal activity and the metaphysical manifestations of covert systems.


Workshop : May 19, 1pm - 6pm at Eastern Bloc

Following Noxious Sector’s participatory performance on the 18th, the members of the collective host a workshop, which will explore and demonstrate techniques for trance induction. This will include discussions of musical strategies, creation of self-hypnosis scripts and basic visualization and meditation techniques. Hiebert, Jarvis and 2Bears (Noxious Sector) will also discuss strategies for using paranormal tactics such as ghost hunting as well as séances as components of artistic projects. Participants will be walked through the process of writing a self-hypnosis script of their own, which may be recorded during the time of the workshop.

The workshop can accommodate an unlimited number of participants. No prior experience is necessary.

Special projects  

Participating Artists:
Credits: Image : Noxious Sector, 2012