Over the course of one month, Matt Shane and Jim Holyoak will be transforming articule into an immersive and interactive drawing installation that amalgamates notions of ‘studio', 'home' and 'exhibition space'. The walls of the gallery will be covered with paper and drawn on throughout the entire exhibition. During this time, the artists will live, work and sleep on-site at articule.
Certain themes are present in all the artists’ work and will undoubtedly emerge in their drawings for this project as well. Matt and Jim are interested in ideas of urban encroachment, frontiers and strange creatures—real and imaginary. Their work often depicts a meeting point or 'frontier line' between nature and civilization and deals with the state of the Earth's ecology.
The artists’ goal is to draw spontaneously and to respond to what happens as the work evolves. Viewers will be encouraged to wander through the landscape of drawings, and to react and participate in the process freely. The artists will provide ink and materials to anyone wishing to draw with them (or against them). The exhibition Greyscale Rainbow invites the public to take a self-guided tour through a collaborative world, and to participate in its creation - to be allowed to touch!
Throughout the project's length, pictures of the gallery were automatically taken every five minutes. To see a stop-motion animation created with these pictures, click here.
Matt Shane and Jim Holyoak are Montreal-based artists with a seven-year history of artistic collaboration. They have been friends and nemeses since the dawn of the century. Using the term broadly, their collaborations include: drawings; art shows; living together in two cities; traveling across Asia; playing in a band; a French course in Nova Scotia; an Alaskan road-trip; a summer tree planting; much fighting and love. A huge drawing collaboration is what brought them to Montreal in the first place, and they now live down the street from articule. They are each enrolled in Concordia’s MFA program.
ExhibitionsParticipating Artists: Matt Shane & Jim Holyoak (Montréal)
Credits: mattshaneart.com
Discussion with Matt Shane and Jim HolyoakSunday, September 13, 2009 - 15:00
Discussion with Matt Shane and Jim Holyoak as part of the exhibition Greyscale Rainbow.
13 Dec 2013 | [comment_count]
Rooms Are Never FinishedSeptember 11, 2009
In here it’s deliberately dark so one may sigh
in peace. Please come in. How long has it been?
Upstairs- climb slowly- the touch is more certain.
You’ve been, they say,...
20 Mar 2014 | [comment_count]