Narrative: how to use your powers in an ethical fashion with Mona Sharma and Afshin MatlabiSaturday, January 14, 2012 - 16:00
This discussion will focus on Mona Sharma’s ongoing series The Loss and Reclamation of Faith, currently on exhibition at articule. Mona Sharma and Afshin Matlabi will look at how the ability to transmit...
07 Dec 2013 | [comment_count]
Mona Sharma : The Loss and Reclamation of FaithDecember 09, 2011
Faith does not question, it believes; it does not stray, it is a constant companion. It is a reliable bulwark, against which we may judge our actions and those of others. Despite this unwavering attitude...
20 Mar 2014 | [comment_count]