Vendredi 22 Avril 2016 à 00:00

Program #MMIV - Day 2


11:00 AM    Strata-Walk (Mile End Montreal version)
                      Hamilton Perambulatory Unit (HPU) aka Donna Akrey & Taien Ng-Chan

02:00 PM    POPOCO: Work/Shoppers
                      Andreanne Abbondanza-Bergeron, Tyson Atkings, David Doody, Michelle Furlong, Philippe Internoscia, JJ Levine, Pascha Marrow, Philippe Mainguy, Matthew Ng, Naghmeh Sharifi, Hannah Azar Strauss, Oswaldo Toledano

04:00 PM    Theoretically in the Gutter
                      Hera Chan

06:30 PM    Social Aesthetics & the Decolonizing of Art Discourse (potluck: bring something to share!)
                      Ayanna Dozier

08:00 PM    Say it Loud! MMIV Open Mic
                      Dominique Fontaine


Strata-Walk (Mile End Montreal version)
The Hamilton Perambulatory Unit (HPU) aka Donna Akrey & Taien Ng-Chan

The Hamilton Perambulatory Unit invites you out on a stratigraphic walk to map the different layers of meanings and systems that make up a place. We will work to uncover layers of stories and emotions found in the urban landscape, while focusing on alternative ways of seeing, knowing, and making, through the constraints of a defined area and a list of prompts and propositions. The session will begin with a brief discussion of other artists who have incorporated some of these techniques in their own work, followed by an exploratory, creative walk, and final show-and-discuss.

The Hamilton Perambulatory Unit (HPU) is a group of artists, writers and researchers based in Hamilton, Ontario, founded by artist/educator Donna Akrey, writer/educator Sarah E. Truman, and writer/artist Taien Ng-Chan. The HPU orchestrates participatory walks to engage with historical and current ideas around perambulation. The focus of each perambulation is a sensory exploration of the city/self in relation to a pre-read text, artistic notion, or philosophical work, and some enabling constraints. The HPU has led walks in Hamilton, Windsor, London England, and Sydney Australia. Further information can be found at


POPOCO: Work/Shoppers
Andreanne Abbondanza-Bergeron, Tyson Atkings, David Doody, Michelle Furlong, Phillipe Internoscia, JJ Levine, Pascha Marrow, Phillipe Mainguy, Matthew Ng, Naghmeh Sharifi, Hannah Azar Strauss, Oswaldo Toledano

In this panel, members of the group will discuss the evolving relationship between their academic/research interests and their artwork. They will present an online archive of the sources, conversations, and images that have organized their collaboration so far.

We are a group of Concordia University MFA students investigating relationships between post-colonial themes and contemporary art research-creation within the context of art institutions. Since participating in the "Postcolonial Theory and Global Contemporary Art" seminar class with Professor Tammer El Sheikh, we continue to collaboratively explore urgent questions around globalization, neo-colonialism, art commerce, and economics, which all artists today must consider. We meet monthly for informal studio visits, conduct interviews, blog at, and expect new manifestations of our research in the future.


Theoretically in the Gutter
Hera Chan

“When I was very young, I had a recurrent daydream that the whole world was just a show put on for my benefit, that unless I was present to see things, they just – ceased to exist.” As described by a character in Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics, what happens from one frame to the next in the space of the gutter, will be opened up in this workshop. Collectively, we will work through an academic concept of choice through hands-on drawing exercises. Manga essay examples from the accompanying compilation will guide us in the practice of building a narrative without story. No drawing experience required.

Hera Chan is an undergraduate student at McGill University. Along with Annie Harrisson, she facilitated a course titled “The Manga Essay” under the supervision of Professor Thomas Lamarre. She has worked with various community media groups including the McGill Daily, the Media Co-op, the Eastern Door, and CKUT Radio.


Social Aesthetics & the Decolonizing of Art Discourse
Ayanna Dozier

The discussion will center and make visible contemporary artistic practices, which uphold colonial discourse in the West. I define colonial discourse as a system of art and scholarship that continues to use past-in-present forms of colonial thought to marginalize art and scholarship that exists on the intersections of race, gender, and class. To decolonize is to educate and undo these systems of thought. The discussion will follow a “dinner table” etiquette, which is a format derived from Lois Weaver’s Long Table style used at the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, at NYU. It will be complemented by a potluck (bring something to share!).

Ayanna Dozier is a PhD student in the department of Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University. Her areas of study include: Blackness, gender, feminism, sexuality, comics, performance, and cinema. Her current research examines artists’ corporeal disavowal of societal hegemonic markers of being, “signs”, in Black experimental performance art and cinema. She currently resides in Montréal, Québec.


Say it Loud! MMIV Open Mic
Dominique Fontaine

An invitation to speak up, in the language of your choice, to say, declaim, rap, sing or create silence, etc. Within 1 to 5 minutes, express yourself on a topic that concerns, inspires, enchants, surprises, or irritates you, or on the other difficulties and joys of life! Please RSVP at outreach @ articule . org

Dominique Fontaine is a curator and Founding Director of aPOSteRIORI, a non-profit curatorial platform. Fontaine graduated in visual arts and arts administration from the University of Ottawa, and completed the De Appel Curatorial Programme (Amsterdam, NL). Since 1992, she has curated and organized several contemporary art events in Canada and abroad. In 2014, she curated Between the earth and the sky, the possibility of everything for Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto. She is a member of the International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art (IKT). In 2015-2016, she conducted a curatorial research residency at articule. Dominique Fontaine currently lives in Montréal.

Image: LOKI Design, 2016
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