jeu, 05/05/2016 - 16:51 -- Sophie
05/23/2016 - 00:00

Call for Projects: Summer Window Show 2016
Deadline: May 23, 2016
Send your proposal to: soumission @ articule . org 

articule invites neighbourhood artists and collectives to submit their proposals for an art project to be shown in the window while the gallery is closed for the summer (July 2016). Based on the theme of “Our Neighbourhood”, the initiative aims to garner the attention of neighbours and passersby by filling the window and/or the space in front of it. Proposals of any medium will be eligible; previous experience showing work in galleries is not necessary. articule offers an artist fee of $1000. Deadline: May 23, 2016.

Once installed, the project must not require the assistance of the centre's employees for the duration of the exhibition. To submit, please use the guidelines for the 2016-2017 Programming Call for Proposals available here
